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Welcome-home salad

YUMM....A fresh garden, in a bowl.

I love traveling to new places, exploring new venues and eating at local restaurants. To me, this is what life is all about. No consequences as to my "occasional" choices of indulging in not-typical Trimarni foods and deviating from a consistent training routine. Not having restrictions in my diet and not obsessing about burning calories gives me so much freedom to explore new flavors, to change up the routine and to be inspired to create new Trimarni creations.

To be honest, I would be completely bored with my life if there was only one way to eat and one way to train, forever. For as my life changes, so does my diet and exercise routine.  There was a time when I feared change. That was before I met Karel. Now, I LOVE change. I love my routine that brings me consistency but I welcome opportunities to try new things. For with new things, I am also reminded as to why I LOVE my routine so much. :)

But certainly, the food I choose on a daily basis fuels my lifestyle and my workout routine. It makes me feel good from my head to my toes and it keeps me well. Because of the respect I give to my body on a daily basis, I am fortunante to be able to live the life I choose to live. Do you feel the same way and do your current actions/habits enhance your life?

When it comes to my body, I love using it and moving it. I like to say I have a lot of contained energy and somehow I don't seem to run out of it on a daily basis. I don't rely on energy drinks or coffee past my morning cup of joe. For if my body and mind becomes extremely tired during the day, that is a sign. A sign that I need to make a few changes in my sleeping routine, eating routine and training routine to ensure consistency in reaching my short and long term goals.

Prioritizing at least 7 hours of sleep almost every day of the week, finding healthy ways to handle stress and always focusing on what I CAN do, I absolutely love waking up fresh, feeling positive about what I can accomplish for that day. It's not always singing birds and roses, so there are certainly times that I find something that gives me the right amount of loving energy, to keep me going.

The other day at the hospital, I had a patient say something to me and it really stuck in my head. This wasn't the first time that my job as a clinical RD has changed the way I think about life. After speaking to him, he said "What I wouldn't give for some fresh air right now."

I hope you enjoy my latest Trimarni creation filled with color, nutrients and fuel your lifestyle and workout routine. Enjoy!

Welcome-home salad

Mixture of greens - arugula, kale, green leaf lettuce
Feta cheese

(add the protein of your choice - we used hardboiled eggs)